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Exhibition – TYPO graphic experiments
1.Květen 2019 um17:00 bis4.Srpen 2019 um17:00

Exhibition – TYPO graphic experiments
Hans-Hilmar Koch Hand Press Printer
first of Mai to forth of August 2019
Exhibition opening on first of May at 17:00
Hans-Hilmar Koch, of his hand-printed duckling shows “pleasing printed matter” in the paper mill Homburg. The beauty of the language acquires its sensual, demonstrable form only through writing.
The variety of possibilities of dealing with the 26 letters of our Alphabeths is presented on the large scale Palkats. Characteristic writings made of lead or wood; classic typesetting and printing methods radiate the personality and character of the hand press dandy. A visit to the exhibition provides a good mood and also a little optimism for difficult times.
“Hans-Hilmar Koch puts pressure on. Pleasing pressure.” With age-old machines he brings mischievous cats, grinning fish, brash slogans and ambiguous wisdom on paper.
“Meets of Mecklenburg” also calls “pleasing printed matter” what flows from his artistic streak. ” (SVZ- Anja Böck 24.11.2011)
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